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Using LiquidPlanner and Git/GitHub

Use My Work view

Click on My Work view in LiquidPlanner. Tasks are ordered by priority, so start with the top task. Use the built-in timer to track time.

My Work

Using git and Github with Salesforce

Record Time and Update Estimates

When you're done working on a task, stop the timer, and record the time. You need to "Use" the time that has been recorded in order for it to be applied to a task. After recording the time, update the estimated time remaining, if necessary.

Recording Time

Completing a task

After you've completed a task, and opened a pull request to have the code peer reviewed and merged, add a comment to the LP task with a link to the pull request. Then move the task into the Ready to Review package for the current sprint.

Completing a Task

Start Code Review

Before starting on the next task, perform code review on open tasks.

Other Tips

Show ID in Project View

If you don't see the task Id in the project view, you can add it by clicking the cog icon to customize columns, and adding the Item ID Number: Show task Id

Branch and Pull Request Lifecycle

Sometimes, dependencies between tasks and/or multiple iterations on a task can complicate branch history. There are some notes on branch lifecycle.